Monday, April 5, 2010

Do journalist relies on google?

Every other day recent events and scenarios supplied by news either written or oral provided by a certain television network news provider or any newspapers, magazines, and books were all made possible by online internet search engine google.
Google as the most popular search engine were widely used by each and every users for a very reliable search sources of references for the recent events either sports, tragic or entertainment.
As in many magazines, newspapers and books, many articles and contents were prone to be gathered from the internet which is in every contents end a domain name had to be preceded such as as the source. Surprisingly the researchers had to peak and click a certain topic or searches a certain word in the google search engine.
In either instances, lack of information or insufficient data to deliver the report which is before the given deadlines of its submission.A simple google search activity will supply the articles and its insufficiency. Searching through google is the quickest and the simplest way on delivering the report before the given time or deadline and a search well done for the report.
But in some cases, writers or publishers were way to dependent on the net, which is not advisable for copying either editing every inch of details and reports they've acquired through search activities. And thus online were also spammers exist who provides unnecessary and nuisance search outputs.
Being ranked as the number 1 and the most popular search engines in the net. Many would abide that these giant online company were on to deliver a good wide and reliable news and articles in every searches they make.

What lies ahead,on the outsourcing industry in the Philippines?
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