Monday, April 5, 2010

"Will Kara falls on Casey singing powers"

Kara DioGuardi, one of American Idols season 9 judges who roams around some of the major states in search of a bunch of american idols wannabe. With her trip within the states, does she have found the singing man of her type? With the denver audition, kara was stunned and have to ask the long haired band singer and then told to un dress. Well the guy was hot either kara tells that he looks good with a lonh haired untied. Well some of the fans that follows and watch American Idol, was

looking forward to see more of Kara's idol. Hence Casey had to go for the top 24 finals, it means much excitement to Kara dioguardi.Well luckily if Casey James wins the contest, wil kara fall within the hotness of Casey James singing talents and charms??
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